Resource Library
Intercultural Communication
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
Chapter 3 of the book Communicating Effectively on the principles of communication in all forms with four parts covering the multiple variations of communicating.
Handbook of Intercultural Communication and Cooperation
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Coaching, Effective communication, Training
A handbook on the basics and areas of application of communication and coopertation within corporations.
An Introduction to Intercultural Communication
- Topic: Effective communication, General
Chapter 1 of the Book Bridging the Cross-Culture Gap written to improve global listening skills and overall fluency in spoken English while helping students to see the pragmatic elements of what they hear and say.
Tips for Successful Communication with International Students
This document is to help professors and support staff communicate more effectively with international students. This has been adapted and is courtesy of Boston University International Student and Scholars Office.
Case Studies for Intercultural and Conflict Communication
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
This pedagogical book is an edited compilation of original case studies and accompanying case study teaching plans addressing issues in intercultural and organizational communication and conflict resolution.
Appearance Matters: ‘intersectionality’
- Topic: Theories & Concepts
In this podcast episode, the term intersectionality is explained, in particular its application to qualitative and quantitative research.
Appearance Matters: ‘Defining Stigma, Prejudice and Discrimination’
- Topic: Theories & Concepts
Appearance Matters: The Podcast! Is the official podcast of the Centre for Appearance Research – a world leading research centre investigating body image and appearance psychology research, based at the University of the West of England in Bristol, UK.
IncluSTEM Erasmus+
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
A training program for sustainable rapid inclusion leading to employment via STEM universities in Europe
Communication Strategy Template
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
A generic template that outlines key issues to consider whern developing a communication strategy, which can be helpful for effective communication in the context of higher education and student representation
Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)
- Topic: Quality Assurance
The ESGs provide the framework for internal and external quality assurance. They were adopted at the European Higher Education Area Ministerial Conference in 2015.
Die Partizipation Studierender als Kriterium der Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Lehre
- Topic: Quality Assurance
Publication which summarises the state of the art of student particpation in quality assurance in higher education.
Het geheime leven van kleurrijke wetenschappers en kunstenaressen
- Category: Inclusive higher education institutions
- Topic: Specific target groups
This project puts the spotlight on the work and the many stories of female scientists, engineers and artists with a migration background in order to adjust the stereotype of the ‘white male scientist or artist’.