Resource Library
Mainstreaming the Social Dimension in the EHEA. Country and HEI SD profiles
- Category: Inclusive higher education institutions
- Topic: General
This report not only focuses on future tasks to enhancing the social dimension but also acts as a progress report on a range of countries and higher education institutions
Principles and Guidelines to Strengthen the Social Dimension of Higher Education in the EHEA
- Category: Inclusive higher education institutions
- Topic: General
“High-level statements that serve as a basis for the conceptualization
of different policies for social dimension enhancement in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). “
PASCL Guidelines – Peer Assessment of Student-Centred Learning
- Topic: Quality Assurance
These guidelines pertain to the peer assessment of student-centred learning (further:PA/SCL) in European higher education institutions. They outline the philosophy and overall focus of peer assessement of student-centred learning.
Student Rights Charters
Student Rights Charters offer the student body of the institution a useful resource to get to know all their rights concerning student participation in a short time.
Project Portfolio on access to education for young people withrefugee and migrant backgrounds
- Category: Inclusive higher education institutions
- Topic: Specific target groups
12 student-led project ideas funded by the Together Moving Forward project.
Global Students’ Demands on Refugees and Migrant’s Education
- Category: Inclusive higher education institutions
- Topic: General
These demands were developed through a consensus-based process during the “Global Student Voices: education and migration” forum held in Geneva from the 13th to the 16th of December 2019.
Bologna With Student Eyes
- Topic: General, Quality Assurance
Bologna with Student Eyes is a reality-check of what has been agreed upon by national governments within the Bologna Process and what the actual situation is for students.
Indexes of Student Participation
“The indexes of student participation is to measure and compare, on the basis of
national legislation, how institutionalised student participation is, analysing which
university structures and processes are open to it and at what level.”
Guide For Student Participation
The guide collects 50 new innovative practices and methodologies of proven success in promoting student participation from some thirty organisations in several EU states.
Communication Strategies Used by High School English Language Learners in Multilingual Classrooms
- Topic: Effective communication, General
This study provides insight into the specific strategies that high school English language learners use to communicate with one another in English when a common L1 is not shared.
Training Program on Effective Communication
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
A training course for organisational managers on effective communication.
20 Ways to Enhance your Communication Skills
- Category: Supporting inclusive student engagement
- Topic: Effective communication
A guideline for enhancing your career and employability through your communication skills.