Die Partizipation Studierender als Kriterium der Qualitätssicherung in Studium und Lehre

Student participation has become an integral part of the higher education system. Lack of or insufficient student participation activities is an acute problem for universities, not least due to the increasing integra- tion of processes of quality development and assurance in recent years. Since acute problems usually re- quire short-term solutions, universities need short-term measures to increase student participation. Mate- rial incentives can be helpful, but can support long-term commitment of students only to a limited extent. Numerous studies show that intrinsic motivation predominates in student participation. In light of this, a conflict of goals must be addressed for universities: There is a need for short-term results; at the same time, intrinsic motivation can usually only be generated/increased in the medium or long term. The present re- port proves that for a (sustainable) strengthening of student participation in processes of quality develop- ment and assurance of higher education institutions, one thing is pivotal: factors relevant for successful participation must be strengthened and impediments minimized.