Institute for the Development of Education (IDE)
Who are we?
The IDE is a non-profit think-tank that contributes to the development of higher education policy, provides expert support to institutions, connects domestic and international experts and enables individuals in Croatia and Europe to achieve their educational goals. IDE is based in Zagreb (Croatia) and since its launch in 1999, it has succeeded in consolidating its position as the leading Croatian organisation in the field of higher education. IDE currently employs nine staff members who are higher education policy experts, educational advisors and project managers.
Why we are Participating in the Project
IDE participates in this project because social inclusion in HE is one of the most important policy areas in which IDE has developed significant expertise. IDE has become a leading force in developing the policy agenda for addressing educational inequality and social inclusion in HE in Europe. IDE issued numerous publications on equitable access to higher education (including the EUROSTUDENT IV and V reports for Croatia). IDE led the working group that drafted national minimal standards and policy recommendations for ensuring equitable access for students with disabilities in Croatia. IDE made a direct impact on national policy in Croatia by successfully advocating for the development of a National Action Plan for Social Dimension of Higher Education 2018-2021 (that IDE also co-authored). IDE was a partner on an EU-wide project for developing peer-learning on the social dimension of higher education (2012-2015) and was co-chairing the Bologna Follow-up Group’s Advisory Group on the Social Dimension of Higher Education from 2018-2020, which created a new strategic document Principles and Guidelines for Social Dimension to help 49 countries in the European Higher Education Area improve social dimension policies.
Our Role in the Project
IDE will contribute to the project through the following activities:
– providing expertise for the analysis of existing models and patterns within students’ engagement at PHE institutions.
– providing expertise for identifying potential good practices and innovative ways of a more inclusive engagement of PHE specific target groups.
– providing expertise for developing student-led strategies for creating more inclusive PHEIs and student organisations.
– providing expertise for developing a Capacity building toolkit, pilot inclusive students’ engagement training, set up a PHE Students’ Forum.
Our Team
Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt
Ninoslav S. Schmidt is the founder of the IDE, where he served as Executive Director since 1999. He has dedicated his career to the development of higher education policies. His main expertise is in the social dimension of higher education, institutional governance and strategic management of higher education, financing of higher education, and in quality assurance in higher education.